A big “THANK YOU” to those who have shown their support by making a donation to Artistic Synergy of Baltimore.
Would you like to become a recognized supporter? Please use the donation button below, and click on the Donation tab at the top of the page, to do so!
Sponsors & Supporters
Leading Angel Level – $500+
Congregation and Board of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Supporting Angel Level – $250 to $499
Benefactor Level – $100 to $249
Diane Edwards
Matthew & Andi Furhman
Bill Pheil
Patron Level $50 to $99
Sharon Canby
Michelle Bruno
Carol Fountain
Tory Graves
Eugene Jubilee, Jr.
Richelle Howie Lacewell
Cari Lichtman
Carolyn Mollenkopf
Anya Randall Nebel
Nicole Summons
Cheryl Taylor
Jenny Vrnak